Double Role Practica LONDON

Double Role Practica London

Totally in Tango


The DOUBLE ROLE TANGO PRACTICA LONDON is joining the TOTALLY IN TANGO team to organize a fantastic double role dancing event on 20-23 November 2025!

TOTALLY IN TANGO has organized many international Double Role events since 2017, each time attracting a diverse and international like-minded crowd. 

Can you imagine twice as much fun? Yes, we can!

Mark your calendars: registration will start on 12 June 2025 at 18.00 London time!

More info and registration here

Next Practica is on

Thursday 27 February 2025     5.30 -10.30 PM

 DATES FOR 2025 are on the last THURSDAY OF THE MONTH:

27/03/2025 - 24/04/2025 - 29/05/2025   ..... more to follow ...

This is a horizontal space to practice the roles of followers and leaders in Argentine Tango.

It is a neutral space where fluid connections are made whilst dancing.

I was keen to provide a space for practising without the limitations that a class or a milonga may impose.

It could go like this: You arrive when you like, you come in (alone or with friends), you make yourself comfortable, you do your own warm-up/preparation (there will be some yoga mats), make contact with another dancer (cabeceo or something else), a brief discussion on what you both want to work on, agree to work on it or later or never, dance one song or ten, thank you very much and see you later, change partner!

As it is a Double Role dedicated practice space, it emphasises dancing the other role.  Occasionally, the role you usually dance can be practised too, as the brain sometimes needs respite and rebalancing!

Music will be more of a background affair, but some traditional tangos (maybe even in tandas and cortina!) will be played along with other mixes and songs. You are welcome to suggest some music there. 

If your friend/s or partner has not yet started doing both roles but would like to participate, they are very welcome! 

ADDRESS: The Ringcross Community Centre
60 Lough Road, Islington, London, Greater London, England N7 8RH, UK


Please check maps below! From Caledonian Rd you need to enter via a narrow pathway between Veli Grooming and Starbuck!

Contact: or 07974 619 570

The suggested payment is £10.

Please change the amount by clicking below (£4 to £12) to reflect your situation.

If you would like to contribute more after the session, you can revisit this link.


Cash payments on the day are also welcome if preferred.

See you there!

"The dual role was a radically different place to experiment and dance with people committed to exploring dancing and connecting with others. It was a place to dance in a very unobserved setting where I felt I could try out, and repeat things several times and be met with thoughtful comments and subtle observations on adaptions to improve. I was surprised at how beneficial it felt for my following (my usual role) to dance with skilful leaders who wanted to try out new approaches, steps, and exercises. It was a place to play and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. It was great to step outside the tango conventions and have the freedom to unpick and talk, there was nothing performative about it, it was about being fully engaged in communicating about and through dancing."  Sarah

From Caledonian Tube station take the narrow path between Veli's Grooming and Starbucks

to get into Piper Close.

5 minutes walk.

From Highbury & Islington station

From Holloway Road station