
Writings by Adriana Pegorer:

"It takes two to win" article in Contact Quarterly Rolling Edition (7 February 2021)

"Why Contact Tango?" article in Contact Quarterly Newsletter, Winter/Spring 2020

"Por qué contactango?" article Spanish translation in Academia

"Tango Diferente: Exploring Tango and CI at Ponderosa" article in Contact Quarterly    Newsletter, Summer/Fall 2013

"Close your eyes and ... dance!" in Animated Winter 2010

"Performing Gender in milongas of Buenos Aires" presented at the 'Body, Movement and Dance in Global Perspective' International Conference, Hong Kong, CHINA in July

2008 in Academia

Writings and mentions by others:


"See me, feel me, touch me… move me!"by Donald Hutera in Animated Summer 2013

"Movement and mirror neurons: a challenging and choice conversation" by

Maxine Sheets-Johnstone in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, vol. 11, pp. 385-401, 2012 

"Trouble with Tango: conversations across boundaries Argentine Tango and contact improvisation" by Eleanor Brickhill, 2016 [MA Thesis, University of Wollongong]

Acculturation through a Leisure Activity: The Argentine Tango in Japan by

Etsuko Toyoda in Asian Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2012

"Japanese Perceptions of Argentine Tango:Cultural and Gender Differences"

by Etsuko Toyoda, Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, Volume 30, 2012, pp. 162-179  SPANISH VERSION

"Llevar o ser llevada: construcciones de género en Tango Argentino y contact improvisation"by Maria Paz Brozas in Movimento : Revista da Escola de Educação Física Published by Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Novembre 2022